Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Going green is hard

Going green is hard. Really hard. You pretty much have to be a lumberjack out in the middle of nowhere living off the grid to be entirely green. As a society we're still more worried about having the nicest car, the biggest house, and being as lazy as possible than we are wanting to "save the earth". This means that products and lifestyle choices aren't going to based around what's best for the long-term survival of the human race. But this doesn't change the fact that we can not continue our current rates of consumption, waste, and overall way of living without getting a big kick in the ass years down the road. You might not wanna think about it, you might say that nothing's going to happen in your lifetime, or you might just have so many other things in your life going on that you can't possibly put time and effort into changing the way you live.

And that's why I created this blog: to find and share ecologically advanced products, ideas and any other info that hopefully makes it a little bit easier to go green. It might not be possible for anything and everything we do as humans to have an entirely positive impact for a sustainable future (for now) but here's hoping we can do enough to make a difference, and not end up like those gas-guzzling dinosaurs. Friggin idiots.

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